Today I would like to tell you about mutual funds. A mutual fund is formed when an asset management company (AMC) pools investments from various individual and institutional investors with common investment objectives. A fund manager professionally manages the pooled investment by strategically investing in capital assets to generate maximum returns for the investors. Fund managers are professionals in the field of finance with an excellent track record of managing investments and have an in-depth understanding of markets.
Types of mutual funds:
Equity Funds:
Equity funds primarily invest in stocks, and hence go by the name of stock funds as well. They invest the money pooled in from various investors from diverse backgrounds into shares/stocks of different companies. The gains and losses associated with these funds depend solely on how the invested shares perform (price-hikes or price-drops) in the stock market. Also, equity funds have the potential to generate significant returns over a period. Hence, the risk associated with these funds also tends to be comparatively higher.
Debt Funds:
Debt funds invest primarily in fixed-income securities such as bonds, securities and treasury bills. They invest in various fixed income instruments such as Fixed Maturity Plans (FMPs), Gilt Funds, Liquid Funds, Short-Term Plans, Long-Term Bonds and Monthly Income Plans, among others. Since the investments come with a fixed interest rate and maturity date, it can be a great option for passive investors looking for regular income (interest and capital appreciation) with minimal risks.
Hybrid Funds:
As the name suggests, hybrid funds (Balanced Funds) is an optimum mix of bonds and stocks, thereby bridging the gap between equity funds and debt funds. The ratio can either be variable or fixed. In short, it takes the best of two mutual funds by distributing, say, 60% of assets in stocks and the rest in bonds or vice versa. Hybrid funds are suitable for investors looking to take more risks for ‘debt plus returns’ benefit rather than sticking to lower but steady income schemes.
Very Low-Risk Funds:
Liquid funds and ultra-short-term funds (one month to one year) are known for its low risk, and understandably their returns are also low (6% at best). Investors choose this to fulfil their short-term financial goals and to keep their money safe through these funds.
Low-Risk Funds:
In the event of rupee depreciation or unexpected national crisis, investors are unsure about investing in riskier funds. In such cases, fund managers recommend putting money in either one or a combination of liquid, ultra short-term or arbitrage funds. Returns could be 6-8%, but the investors are free to switch when valuations become more stable.
Medium-risk Funds;
Here, the risk factor is of medium level as the fund manager invests a portion in debt and the rest in equity funds. The NAV is not that volatile, and the average returns could be 9-12%.
High-Risk Funds:
Suitable for investors with no risk aversion and aiming for huge returns in the form of interest and dividends, high-risk mutual funds need active fund management. Regular performance reviews are mandatory as they are susceptible to market volatility. You can expect 15% returns, though most high-risk funds generally provide up to 20% returns I explained only some important mutual funds investments.

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