Today I would like to tell you about the importance of case studies. The most fundamental component of management education is to develop and foster the students' skills to analytically evaluate information. The prime objective of an MBA course is not only to train the students in management but also to prepare them to administer key positions with appropriate skills that can help them in their workplace. Hence, it is essential that MBA students be trained in live organizational settings with the help of case studies.
The golden rule of approaching any case-study is – “Stop getting scared of the size of the case and the number of pages, words, etc.” On the contrary, the lengthier the case is, the better it is for approaching a conclusion. When it comes to subjects such as Quantitative Techniques, Accounting for Managers, Operation Management, and other disciplines, lengthier cases aid you with more and more information, and hence solving them becomes a walk in the park.
Case Studies represent an opportunity to spread the benefit of knowledge across the physical boundaries imposed by looking at one case, in one place, at one time. It's not so that fingers can be pointed at 'incorrect' treatment but instead so that geographical differences in practice can be highlighted, for example, or clearer descriptions are reached to explain a case more completely and accurately.
A case is basically a story. A case recounts events or problems in a way that students can learn from their complexities and ambiguities. The students can learn from the original participants in the case, whether it is business people, doctors, or other professionals.
we need different types of skills , that skills help you to solve the cases, they are initially we need listening skills and reading skills, we had known problem-solving techniques , analytical skills, logical thinking. you should read the case with concentration, it helps to convert theory into practice.
Today, I would like to tell you about creative thinking. Creative thinking is the ability to invent and/or create something new: be that a concept, a solution, a method, a work of art, or an actual, physical device. Creative thinking is based on looking at things in a new way that hasn’t previously been considered. That’s why it’s often described as “thinking outside the box.
Why creative thinking is important? Creativity will always be in high demand as it is not something robots can replace easily! By developing this skill, individuals differentiate themselves from other candidates.
Why creative thinking is important in business?
Creative thinking helps you stay one step ahead:
Creativity is vital to the success of your business. In fact, experts even go as far as to say it is one of the most important factors to the success of your business. And they want to always stay one step ahead of their competitors so they can beat them to the chase for the next big thing.
Creative thinking helps to problem-solving:
Creative thinking can help you decipher the easiest and most valuable solution needed to solve your problem. In turn, this can have a more positive impact on your business as the problem is handled smoothly and efficiently. Businesspersons and business owners must have creativity it helps to solve the different problems in their business.
Creative thinking helps to increase productivity:
one of the most important aspects of a business is increased productivity. It is needed to ensure that demands are met and that customers are happy. Stimulating creativity leads employees to new and unknown territories, and as a result, it leads to increased productivity of the entire organization.
Creative thinking helps to proper communication:
If you develop your creative thinking skills, you can easily find a good solution to any problem. But no one will know it if you never spread your ideas. You always need a good listener, who can help you in understanding the problem. And as you already know, assuming the problem is the key to success. If you genuinely feel the problem, you can quickly come up with an exceptional solution.
Creative thinking helps to freedom:
There is no right or wrong way to be creative. When we create, it gives us the opportunity to engage with the world without judging ourselves. To return to the feeling of freedom we may have experienced during childhood. Where we did not have to know or be an expert. It gives us permission to take risks, try new things, and strip away inhibitions in a healthy way.
Today I would like to explain about the importance of critical thinking.Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking.
Importance of critical thinking:
Critical Thinking Is Universal:
Critical thinking is a domain-general thinking skill. What does this mean? It means that no matter what path or profession you pursue, these skills will always be relevant and will always be beneficial to your success. They are not specific to any field.
Better Decision Making:
There’s no doubt about it — critical thinkers make the best choices. Critical thinking helps us deal with everyday problems as they come our way, and very often this thought process is even done subconsciously. It helps us think independently and trust our gut feeling.
Critical thinking allows Creativity:
Critical thinkers are also highly creative thinkers, and see themselves as limitless when it comes to possibilities. They are constantly looking to take things further, which is crucial in the workforce.
Critical thinking used to Problem Solving Skills:
Those with critical thinking skills tend to solve problems as part of their natural instinct. Critical thinkers are patient and committed to solving the problem.
Critical thinking is excise for the brain:
Just like our muscles, in order for them to be strong, our mind also needs to be exercised and challenged. It’s safe to say that critical thinking is almost like an activity for the mind — and it needs to be practiced. Critical thinking encourages the development of many crucial skills such as logical thinking, decision making, and open-mindness
Today I would like to tell you about what amazon says about creating a seasonal job.
This will be a variety of roles in their fulfillment centers and delivery network including part-time flexible work opportunities as independent contractors with Amazon Flex, it said in a statement.
Amazon India on Friday announced that it has opened close to 50,000 seasonal roles to meet the surge in demand from people relying on its service, particularly those most vulnerable to being out in public.
This will be a variety of roles in their fulfillment centers and delivery network including part-time flexible work opportunities as independent contractors with Amazon Flex, it said in a statement.
They will join thousands of associates and assist them to pick, pack, ship, and deliver customers' orders more efficiently, it said.
One thing we've learned from the COVID-19 pandemic is how important a role Amazon and eCommerce can play for our customers as much as for small businesses & the economy, said Akhil Saxena, VP, Customer Fulfilment Operations, APAC, MENA & LATAM, Amazon
Today, I like to tell you the benefits of doing an internship, An internship is a good introduction to the career you may want to pursue. Internships are typically arranged through an educational counselor who can help match you to a company that fits your career goals.
An internship is a hired introductory position for a defined period. They can be paid or unpaid, as the main purpose is for the intern to gain experience. You typically apply for an internship during undergraduate or graduate studies in your chosen field, and then work for a company for one or more months, either full-time or part-time. You might work as an intern over a summer or during a semester or quarter with your classes. Some internships allow you to receive college credit upon completion.
Now I want to show the benefits of doing an internship:
Job experience, Research experience, Create a professional network, Build a strong resume, Transition to a permanent job, Build confidence, Learn from others, compensation, and Gain professional feedback
Today I would like to tell you the best procedure to start a new startup. If you are dreaming about starting your own company, but you don’t know exactly what it is you want to do or if it’s even the right time, use your time to study. Starting a fast-growing tech business is incredibly challenging, and requires a variety of skills.
Now that you’ve studied hard and really gotten deep into a particular discipline, it’s time to broaden your skillset. While it’s critical to become deeply skilled in one area of the business, the required skill-set to start and run a company is much more varied.
I want to explain a few more steps to start a new business, these steps are used to new entrepreneurs those who want to start a new business.
First, you need to make a plan, that is' what is my product or service, when you want to start a business, how much you want to invest in your business, and why you want to start a business'. first, you need to fill the answers for the above questions and follow up on the below diagram.
FBS b school
You’ll need adequate capital to get yourself off the ground. There’s no magic number that applies to all businesses. The startup costs will obviously vary from industry to industry, so your company may require more or less funding depending on the situation. The cost of doing business is much higher than people initially think. Let’s circle back to our business plan for a minute. All business plans contain a financial plan. This plan usually includes:
Balance sheet
Sales forecast
Profit and loss statement
Cash-flow statement
You’re going to need some help while launching your startup company. So where do you start?
Certain people often get overlooked when entrepreneurs are getting their business started.
Your startup needs a physical address as well as a perfect location. Whether it’s offices, retail space, or a manufacturing location, you need to buy or lease a property to operate your business. You should strategize for this in your business plan. Try to secure enough funding so that you can afford to buy a property. It’s worth the investment and will save you money in the long run.
If you’re not a marketing expert, you need to become one.You might have the best product or service in the world, but if nobody knows about it, then your startup can’t succeed.Learn how to use digital marketing techniques like:
Content marketing
Affiliate marketing
Email marketing
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Social media marketing (SMM)
Search engine marketing (SEM)
Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)
If you’re starting a small business in a local community, you can take advantage of some older and conventional methods such as:
Print advertising
Radio advertisements
If you’re following this plan in order, the good news is that you’re already on the right track to building a customer base. Starting a website, growing your digital presence, and becoming an effective marketer are all steps in the right direction. But now it’s time to put these efforts to the test. Open your doors (or website) for business. Getting a customer to make a purchase is the first step. But this isn’t nearly enough. You need to keep your customers coming back. This statement holds true for physical store locations as well as e-commerce businesses.
Expect the unexpected. Launching your startup company won’t be easy, and you need to plan for some hurdles along the way. Don’t let these speed bumps become roadblocks. You can’t get discouraged when something goes wrong. Preserve and push through it. The difficulties that you’ll face while launching your startup company will help prepare you for the tough road ahead.
I would like to tell you about the benefits of book reading.reading is a good habit for everyone, reading means book reading, news reading, articles reading and magazines, etc.
Highly successful people read enormous information .it is by far the most common habit of almost every successful person there is. They make it a point to read in spite of their busy schedule.
Now I want to show you the benefits of book reading: they are,
Reading makes you smarter:
Reading helps you to be a better you, Through reading, you can have a better understanding on a topic that interests you, This will help you to become better, As you all know books gives a lot of knowledge and information, which can be really very beneficial, As it says Knowledge is the key to success and hence having knowledge about life, about different things will help you to move ahead in life and will make your brain sharper and make you smarter. Knowledge gives you the better understanding, Reading is an effective memory booster, Reading and memory are an interrelated concept when you are reading; you are training your brain, and reading gives wisdom to your mind.
Reading increase creativity and imagination:
Reading your imagination and Creativity increases, It gives you different ideas and understanding, Good reader from the young age can become a good writer, Reading sparks the imagination, When you read, you are taken into the new world, This thing nurtures your brain to develop ideas for new worlds and other possibilities, this sparks the imagination. Reading helps you to understand differently.
Vocabulary and knowledge expansion:
When reading books, you might come across a few words you don’t quite understand or even recognize. This confusion can lead you to look up the word and discover the definition. Because you didn’t know the word, to begin with, the act of searching for the definition helps your brain retain that new and exciting word, i.e. vocabulary expansion. Consider how far your vocabulary has come since you first learned to read. You now know many new words that are more intelligent sounding than when you first started your reading habits.
Memory improvement and better focusing:
Though it has been mentioned earlier about how reading books can improve concentration and critical thinking, there is another part of mental health that helps to improve. Our minds are thinking of a million different things all the time. Reading at least a little each day can improve your focus and your memory function. Your focus is strengthened because it requires focus to read. When sitting down to read a book or magazine article, you will not understand what you are reading unless you’re focused.
Stronger analytical skills:
A typical “whodunit” which many readers find so enthralling poses a mystery that is a challenge for readers to solve, which helps develop their analytical skills. It is thrilling to read a mystery and try to solve the mystery yourself. Even if you don’t solve it, you still practised your critical and analytical thinking in the most pleasurable way
Boost your sleep:
Did you know that reading books can also help with your sleep? No, this doesn’t mean that it helps you fall asleep, but it does contribute to improving your overall sleep quality, pattern, and restfulness. Reading, since it enables you to relax and de-stress, can help pull you into a deep and peaceful sleep. That sounds like it might be too good to be true, but reading can, in fact, help you fall asleep.
Free entertainment:
Isn’t it great that you can have yourself transported to a different world through a well-written book at no cost to yourself? Books are pricey, but you don’t have to buy them. There are libraries where books cost nothing and secondhand books stores where they cost next to nothing, in addition to an online resource where you can download free e-books.
Reading is a workout for your brain:
There’s a difference between passively watching television and actively reading.
When you’re reading, you’re training your mind to focus on new information and take it in. As mentioned earlier, this improves analytical skills and memory.
It means that reading becomes a workout for your brain
I would like to tell you about a "leader" and a "boss".
Leadership is not about putting greatness into people, leadership is about recognizing that there's greatness in everyone and leader job is to create an environment where that greatness can emerge. What is leadership? A simple definition is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal. In a business setting, this can mean directing workers and colleagues with a strategy to meet the company's needs.
Put even more simply, the leader is the inspiration for and director of the action. They are the person in the group that possesses the combination of personality and leadership skills to make others want to follow their direction.
Now we see the difference between a capable boss and a potential leader is one
Boss: says-Do the work Leader: says-Let us do the work Boss: says-Yes, I achieved it Leader: says- Yes, we achieved it Boss: Manages his employees Leader: Inspires his employees leading from the front Boss:says-I know it all Leader:says-I should learn this from you Boss: Talks more Leader: Listen more Boss: Criticize his employees Leader: Encourage his employees Boss: Points out weaknesses Leader: Recognizes his employee's effort Boss: Puts blame on others for failure Leader: Takes responsibility for the failure Boss: Uses his employees Leader: Develops his employees Boss: Takes credit for the success Leader: Gives credit for the success Boss: Is your Boss Leader: Is your colleague Boss: Focuses on getting the work done Leader: Focuses on teams well-being leader Boss: knows how work is done Leader: shows how work is done Boss: shows who is wrong Leader: shows what is wrong
Boss: has employees Leader: has followers
"If your actions inspire to others dream more , learn more , do more and become more, you are a Leader."
I would like to tell you about three P's means: Positive attitude, Positive thinking, and Positive vibes.
Positive attitude:
A positive attitude is essential to happiness, joy, and progress in life. This state of mind brings light, hope, and enthusiasm into the life of those who possess it
Adopting it in your life does not mean that everything will always move smoothly and there will bo no umps on the road. However, it ensures that any setback you might ensure that any setback you might encounter will not stop you or change your state of mind and that you will go on, try again, and do your best despite any setback.
A positive attitude means:
here are a few definitions: they are
The willingness to try doing new things
The positive attitude that helps you see the good in people
It is a mental attitude that focuses on the bright side of life.
A positive attitude is a mindset that helps you see and recognize the opportunities
It is a mindset that uses the words, "I can" and "it is possible"
Positive thinking:
positive thinking helps with stress management and can even improve your health. practice overcoming negative self-talk
the health benefits of positive thinking :
Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:
Increased life span
Lower levels of distress
Lower rates of Depression
Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
Better psychological and physical well being
Positive vibes:
vibes: it actually means the feeling that someone or something gives you. so positive vibes mean the positive feelings that you get from someone or something.
Nine positive vibes you can pass on to others or received from others: they are
The startup helps bring in standardisation and quality control in the fruit and vegetables supply chain.
Intello labs has raised $5.9 million in its series A round of funding from saama capital , Singapore -based agritech accelerator grow and a,American platform svg ventures thrive . existing investors omnivore and nexus venture partners also participated in the round.
the company started has raised $2 millon in a seed round in march 2019.
the funding will help the us accelerate growth in international markets , specifically the USA and across asia pacific . this new demand combined with the stickness of our existing clients validates the fact that our products bring needed transparency and standardisation to fresh produce value chains.
There is a growth needed for better and faster quality assessment of fresh produce across the value chain intello scalable and non-destructive AI based solutions are well placed to become an industry standard too especially for the large buyers of and traders in fresh produce
Gupshup, Minkville and tonetag will work with NPCI and also get support from CIIE.CO.
Three startups have won a $100,000 prize to create a feature phone based digital payments solution on a challenge hosted by the National Payments Corporation of India ,. CIIE.CO and the bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
While Gupshup won the first prize and will receive $50,000 in cash . Minkville finished second and will get $20,000. a sum of $10,000 will go to Tonetag , the second runners up.
The aim of the said contest was to look for the next generation tech solution that can help feature phone users adopt digital payments.
The idea is to take digital payments to around 500 million Indians . Currently , UPI's supported only on smart phones and the number of users could be around 100 million.
Gupshup uses encrypted SMS to enable UPI payments through bill pay sms, qr codes or contact list of phones.
Minkville runs a missed call payments solution and Tonetag allows sound based payments across any form of device.
along with the case,these startups will get a chance to work on a pilot project with NPCI
They will also receive support from CIIE.CO's Bharat inclusion initiative which offers incubation, acceleration and seed funding to early stage startups.
At present ,NPCI runs an SMS based payments mechanism USSD but that has not been able to scale beyond a certain level.
I would like to telling about the importance of innovation , first thing innovation means introducing new, creating new , making new and doing new for your organization or business. The innovation is helps to creating a brand value , attracting the customers, makes the unique selling preposition, creating competitive advantage in the market, constant improvement,and growth and development.
The innovation is a very important feature for organization , may be innovation in technology of your organization, innovation of your product, innovation of your service and may be innovative organization
How the innovation is important :
we can solve problems easily:you need to come up with creative answers to solve certain problems in your business . Many times you will face problems that dont seem to go away . you need to think outside the box to find an answer you have never come up with , this way you can make your product, store your inventory and find a creative solution to make your business better.
we can increase our productivity: if ever feel that you are bogged down with work and struggle to get everything done , it is time that you should become more productive , to do this start finding a new process , then what is the process ? is called Innovation.
we can market our business:you can use various creative ideas and innovation to make your business stand out from the crowd . Here, small business marketing comes in. in order to make people remember your business , you need innovative ideas . you can create new brand , develop a quirky business.
we can beat our competitors:when you think innovatively , it becomes very easy to beat out your competition . you just need to put in a little creativity and you can easily come up with better ways to design products and connect with customers .Along with this, creativity will help you figure out the right marketing techniques that will help your business grow.
A lot of countries around the world are currently under some form of lock down due to corona virus out break. the corona virus pandemic is happening the most of the people connect with the internet and social media, these two play important role in the economy and connect the entire global.
Many people using internet services for the work from homes , attending the classes , run their business and sharing information , so on. the people can also do online shopping for their essentials and medics , by this way we knew most of the people using internet and also more in social media.
Actually i want saying about digital marketing , means how digital marketing helps during lockdown,
in this lock down digital marketing helps to promote our products and services to the our existed customers and as well as new customers also, DM is a chance to pulling a new customers, improve our content for reach the large number of audience , getting the high retuns on investment and improve our social media strength .
lets start discussion about the importance of digital marketing during the lock down , we'll see few points :
Attract a new customer :
It means digital marketing is nothing about social media and internet services , so during the lockdown many more stayed in it . It is chance to attract them,so digital marketing helps to pulling the new customers and also connect with the already existing customers , it leads to run our business successfully during the lock down.
High returns on investments:
Digital marketing is a low cost than the traditional marketing , but during this lock down traditional marketing may not be possible , the digital marketing brings the high returns of investments by the promoting their products and services. the digital marketing channel is only for all internet marketing , social media marketing and e mail marketing . it is a low cost process for getting high returns.
Maximize audience , social media and content:
Digital marketing is maximize our audience how ? digital marketing expose their products and services to the ultimate number of customers and also attract the some other businesses and also improve the our social media because it is a key way to connect with targated customers , and also maximize content in our advertisements.
And finally digital marketing helps to expansion your business during lock down period too, it helps to planing and developing your business. the digital marketing is highly use full to the new start ups and short term businesses because digital marketing is a less in cost and more relaible to new entrepreneurs.